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Full name of children : Wonchhu sherpa
Date of birth of children : 2005 November 12
Sex : Male
Permanent address : Kijifalate-2, Okhaldhunga
Arrival date in C.D.C.A home : 13th march-2010
Kind of disability of children : Effect on right hand burnt by fire
Name of school : Prashanti Academy
Location of school : kapan, KTM
Class : 10
Name of father : Chhapte Sherpa
Name of mother : Chhote Sherpa
Economics condition : Poor

Pema Wonchhu Sherpa is 16 year old, village boy.  He was born in Okhaldunga, Kijifalate 2. He have got five family member. He have two little brother and himself. His father name is Chhapte Sherpa and mother name is Shhote Sherpa. His family are engaged in agriculture.

His family economic condion is very poor. His family are having very normal life. He was born normal, there was no problem when he was born. He had an accident when he was at the age of 2 year .

At the moment his mother has went to bring the water from the tape saying to her sister to look after her son properly but due to the negligence of her aunt Pema Wonchhu came in touch with fire. He was taken to the hospital immediately .

His right hand was completely destroyed in fire. At that moment he has to cut his right hand full fingers through operation. After the one year of operation of Pema Wonchhu Sherpa. His parent got contact with CDCA organization through Jangmu Sherpa who were well known about the our CDCA organization.

Jangmu Sherpa is one the relative of Mr Dendi Sherpa. He knows that Mr Dendi Sherpa is involved in providing rehabilitation, education support to the disable children who were socially and economically sounds very poor. Pema Wonchhu Sherpa came to CDCA organization in 13th march of 2010. Now he is studying in grade 10. His education is good and having good time in CDCA organization .

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