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Non-Formal Education

Due to the high rate of illiterate among women which is the main factor of prevailing disability. And hence focusing on disability alleviation through educating women. CDCA has been running non-formal education since 2008. First Phase of the program had been successfully completed at Sankhamul, Banshighat- Kathmandu, Thulo Syabru- Rasuwa and Ramhitti- Kathmandu. Similarly, the second phase had been successfully completed at Ramhitti- Kathmandu, Durgamandhir-Kapan, Thumi- Gorkha, Jyotinagar- Kapilvastu. Similarly, the third phase also completed at Ramhitti- Kathmandu, Durgamandhir- Kapan, Shivapur- Kapilvastu.

The fourth phase is currently running at Durgamandir- Kapan, Ramhitti- Kapan & Rahatkot- Kapilvastu. There are 55 women in 2 classes of women & 32 women in Kapilvastu. CDCA provides text books, copies, pencils to the participants, salary for teachers. Teacher takes level test in every 3 months to check their understanding & progress. This course is of one year. There is some women who are doing an advanced level after completion of 1 year course in the same class. They want to do advanced level and face the final examination of government level. 10 women are preparing for class 3 final exams at government school, Kapan.

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