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Hastaram Rai Kulung

Hastaram Rai Kulung

Name: Hastaram Rai Kulung
Date of Birth: 2056-06-06
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Grade: 8
Permanent Address: Chheskham 3, Solukhumbu
Father’s name: Tanka Shankar Rai
Kind of Disability: Speech Disorder/ Physical disability
Arrival Date in CDCA Home: 2021-08-05

Hastaram Rai is a 19 years old. He is from Chheskam 03,Solukhumbu district. He belongs to very poor family with low economic condition. His father is a farmer and they are dependent on agriculture.

Background Information:

Hastaram was born in middle class family with speech disorder disability by birth. He has a problem in his right hand so he cannot move his right hand properly. He has father, four brothers and one sister in his family. He lost his mother when he was just three years old due to the lack of nutrition and proper health care. His brothers and sister are married and living separately in different places.

Hastaram was facing huge trouble to go to his school on a regular basis just because the school is so far and he cannot walk for so long due to his physical health condition. As his school is so far from his place, it almost takes an hour to reach due to which he was not able to go his school daily and because of that his study was getting affected. That’s why, to continue his study and to live a better lifestyle he was recommended to go CDCA by his nearer relative.

Now Hastaram is living at CDCA with other children and having all the facilities provided by the organization. He seems happier and comfortable with his new friends and new environment. Since the day he arrived CDCA he is living his life with a new vision and goal.

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